I'm a marketing, social media manager, and graphic designer based in Wisconsin.

Recent Projects

PR Ground Breaking

MRS Broke ground on a new 200,000 sq. ft. facility in Belvidere, IL. I worked with our construction partners to provide PR and Marketing Services.

Award Winner

Winning awards helps build contractors credibility. What award is better than the BBB Spark Award for entrepreneurship? I lead the charge into winning this award for Klaus Roofing by Buck

About Buckin’ Time

On your drive into to the "Lake Country" on 1-94. This billboard averages around 173,615 impressions per week for BBTBF. Focusing on their target market.

Project Highlights

Video Testimonial

A large scale roofing project isn’t complete without a beautiful testimonial. I shot two testimonials for Klaus Roofing by Buck. Both focus on customer service and dependability.

Brand Standards

Branding is critical for any business big or small. During my time working with BBTBF we developed a detailed set of branding guidelines for the company to use moving forward. Guideline’s they still use to this day.

Social Graphics

Here you will see graphics I have made that don’t necessarily have a story as to why I made them. Some of these are fun pet projects and others are just random tests on my abilities to craft a story worth graphic.

Lucas has done an exceptional job in his short tenure of making an impact on our brand company perception. His creative work sets our organization apart and he continues to dive deeper and improve his own creative work.
— Zach K