Just Do It - Think Different: The Story Behind Two of the Most Iconic Campaigns

First, allow me to out myself as the writer. I am and always have been, a big Apple fan. Their targeted marketing and overall advertising are incredible to understand and learn from. Now that you know my bias, let's discuss the debate marketers and advertising professionals have had since the inception of these two iconic ads, Just Do It or Think Different?

The "Think Different" campaign by Apple and the "Just Do It" campaign by Nike are two of the most iconic advertising campaigns ever. Both campaigns have been praised for their ability to create a solid emotional connection with consumers and for their ability to embody the core values of their respective brands.

The "Think Different" campaign was launched by Apple in 1997, during a time when the company was struggling to regain its footing in the tech industry. The campaign was designed to celebrate innovators' rebellious spirit and position Apple as a company that valued creativity, imagination, and unconventional thinking.

Apple “Think Different” commercial. There are other versions of this ad including Steve Jobs narrating the ad.

The creative team at Apple was led by the legendary ad agency TBWA/Chiat/Day and was inspired by a quote from the company's co-founder Steve Jobs. Jobs had once said, "Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently."

The campaign featured a series of print ads and TV commercials showcasing some of our time's most innovative thinkers, such as Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. The ads were accompanied by the tagline "Think Different" and a voice-over by actor Richard Dreyfuss.

The "Think Different" campaign was a massive success for Apple and helped to position the company as a leader in the tech industry. The campaign was praised for its ability to create an emotional connection with consumers and for its ability to embody the core values of the Apple brand.

The "Just Do It" campaign by Nike was launched in 1988 when the company faced stiff competition from rivals such as Reebok and Adidas. The campaign was designed to inspire people to get up and move and to differentiate Nike from its competitors.

Nike first “Just Do It” Commercial

The creative team at Nike was led by the advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy and was inspired by the last words of convicted murderer Gary Gilmore. The campaign featured a series of TV commercials that showcased athletes such as Michael Jordan, Bo Jackson, and John McEnroe, along with the iconic tagline "Just Do It."

The "Just Do It" campaign was a massive success for Nike and helped to solidify the company's reputation as a brand that valued perseverance, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence. The campaign was praised for its ability to inspire and motivate viewers and for its ability to embody the core values of the Nike brand.

The "Think Different" campaign by Apple and the "Just Do It" campaign by Nike are two of the most iconic advertising campaigns of all time. These campaigns are celebrated for their ability to create an emotional connection with consumers and for their ability to embody the core values of their respective brands.

Apple's "Think Different" campaign was praised for its celebration of unconventional thinking and its ability to position Apple as a company that valued creativity and imagination. The campaign helped to revitalize the Apple brand and helped to position the company as a leader in the tech industry.

Nike's "Just Do It" campaign was praised for its ability to inspire and motivate viewers and embody the Nike brand's core values. The campaign helped to differentiate Nike from its competitors and helped to solidify the company's reputation as a brand that valued perseverance, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence.

In close the "Think Different" campaign by Apple and the "Just Do It" campaign by Nike are two of the most iconic advertising campaigns of all time. These campaigns are celebrated for their ability to create an emotional connection with consumers and for their ability to embody the core values of their respective brands. Both campaigns have helped solidify their respective companies' reputations and have had a lasting impact on the world of advertising and marketing.

What campaign was the best in your eyes and why?


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